
Tourist information to be created in French

Published: August 13, 2015

On Wednesday, the Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Dang Viet Dung met with teacher Van Anh Dao from the city’s Hoang Hoa Tham High School and teacher Hoang Khanh Phuong from the Phan Chau Trinh High School.

The two teachers are the developers of a teaching project to create local tourism information in the French language.  The aim is to introduce the image of Da Nang to French-speaking countries and to develop the city’s tourism information in the French language.  In addition, the project aims to help local French learners to practice their language skills and develop team-working skills, as well as create an exciting, dynamic and creative learning environment.

Teacher Dao said that their project was presented at the French Language World Forum in Belgium from July 20 - 23.  She asked that the municipal authorities allow local schools to teach French in their foreign languages training programmes in addition to English.

Vice Chairman Dung spoke highly of the great efforts made by the two teachers in developing the project.  He urged the municipal Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to provide sufficient information on local tourism for the project’s developers.  In addition, the city leader asked the teachers to make every effort to perfect the project in order to expand it to many other schools across the city as soon as possible, and also apply it in other languages.
