
Approval for project to expand storm resistant housing

Published: September 16, 2015

Approval has been given by the Da Nang People’s Committee (PC) to the ‘Feasibility Study to Expand Storm Resistant Housing for a Resilient Da Nang’ project which is running between July 2015 and April 2016.

At a total cost of 48,934 USD, the project is funded from non-refundable ODA capital granted by the Asian Development Bank.

The project is being jointly implemented by the municipal departments of Foreign Affairs and Construction, the People’s Committees in local districts, the local Women’s Union, the city's Steering Committee for Response to Climate Change and Sea Level Rises, and the US Institute for Social and Environmental Transition.

The project aims to develop a sustainable mechanism to provide technical assistance for safe, storm resistant housing across the city.  In addition, it will help to create a feasible credit scheme for local poor families who need to build new storm resistant houses or reinforce their existing weak ones.  This will bring benefits to the city’s poor and very poor families and help the city to increase its resilience to natural disasters.
