
Mainstreaming climate change in local socio-economic development plans

Published: September 24, 2015

On Wednesday afternoon, Da Nang’s Steering Committee for Response to Climate Change held a workshop in the city on mainstreaming climate change in local socio-economic development plans over the 2015 - 2020 period.

Participating experts said that Da Nang was assessed as highly vulnerable to the future impacts of climate change. 

Over the past decade, the city’s annual average temperature has increased by 0.3°C.  The city has repeatedly faced prolonged drought resulting in the dramatic decrease of water levels and flows in rivers and streams across the city.  Saltwater intrusion has increasingly attacked local rivers.  The city has been affected by tropical storms or depressions every year with a significant increase in the number and intensity of storms.  These factors are affecting the city’s socio-economic performance.

Attendees discussed ways to enhance the capacity of climate change resilience in local urban areas, and mainstream climate change in a report about the city’s socio-economic development plans over the 2015 - 2020 period.  They also listened to the experts’ opinions about the climate change situation both at home and abroad in order to find effective solutions to limit the damage caused by climate change.



