
Positive results from programme to create civilised markets

Published: September 18, 2015

In the 5 years since the implementation of Da Nang’s programme for building civilised trading activities in local markets, the occupation rate of rented space in the markets was 100%, with a total of over 5,000 traders.  All the stalls had their signboards installed, and over 85% of the items were sold at their displayed prices.

Strict penalties were imposed on traders who did not publicly display their prices or who harassed and overcharged buyers.

A stall in the Han Market
A stall in the Han Market

In addition, special attention was paid to tightening the monitoring of the quality of items on sale, implementing the regulations about fire and explosion prevention, ensuring food safety and hygiene, and improving the attitude and behaviour of local traders towards their customers.

Most notably, the Han Market received the title of ‘Municipal-level Civilised Market’ in 2013 and 2014, whilst the Con and Dong Da markets gained this title last year.

So far, between 85% and 95% of the traders have pledged to ensure civilised trading activities in the markets.

As part of the city’s ‘Year for Culture and Urban Civilisation 2015’ programme, a focus will be on upgrading stalls selling Vietnamese goods in the Han and Con markets to implement the 'Pride in Vietnamese Goods' programme on a trial basis, and using funds from the State’s budget and donations from organisations and individuals to develop the technical infrastructure of the local markets.

Also, importance will be attached to facilitating local businesses to launch their Vietnamese product promotion programmes, and initiating effective ways to develop the Han, Con and Dong Da markets into attractive tourist attractions.


