
Boosting bilateral cooperation with NGOs

Published: October 28, 2015

On Tuesday, a seminar took place in Da Nang to boost bilateral cooperation between the city and foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs).  The event was jointly organised by the municipal People’s Committee and the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organisations.

Results from the cooperation between the city and foreign NGOs over the 2010 - 2015 period were reviewed at the event.  Most notably, Da Nang was recognised as one of the Vietnamese cities which have effectively made use of financial aid from foreign NGOs over the period.

A disabled boy attending a local vocational training course
A disabled boy attending a local vocational training course funded a foreign NGO

To date, a total of 153 international organisations, foreign NGOs, local FDI businesses and overseas Vietnamese people across the world have pledged to give the city financial aid worth more than 926 billion VND in total.

Of this figure, over 394.2 billion VND has been pledged for local social issues, whilst over 278 billion VND has been promised for the local healthcare sector, over 80 billion VND for the local education and training sector, over 104.8 billion VND for local poverty reduction projects, and the remainder for other local aspects.

The seminar also featured discussions about effective ways to promote bilateral cooperation with foreign NGOs in some local priority aspects over the 2016 - 2020 period.  These are environmental protection, response to climate change, healthcare services, education and other social issues.

Also at the seminar, the city and foreign NGOs entered into cooperative agreements to implement programmes and projects in the city over the 2016 - 2018 period. 

In particular, the municipal Department of Foreign Affairs and World Vision Viet Nam will jointly implement an urban development programme in Son Tra District.  A project for providing eye care services for local school pupils will be deployed by the municipal Department of Education and Training, and Australia's Fred Hollows Foundation.  A support programme for local very poor and disabled children will be carried out by the municipal Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, and the Children of Viet Nam organisation.


