
City leader inspects environmental pollution at Khanh Son Waste Dump

Published: October 26, 2015

Newly-elected Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Xuan Anh recently paid an inspection visit to the Khanh Son Waste Dump in Lien Chieu District in order to check on the garbage collection and treatment in the area.

During his meeting with nearby local residents, Secretary Anh pledged that the city authorities would take responsibility for dealing with the serious environment pollution problems at the waste dump.  He asked them to keep calm and not to block garbage trucks from going to the area because that would adversely affect local environmental sanitation.

 Secretary Anh (first right) speaking to some local residents
Secretary Anh (first right) speaking to some local residents

During this week, the city leaders will meet with local residents in order to discuss effective ways to resolve this issue of deep concern.

A truck unloading garbage at the waste dump
A truck unloading garbage at the waste dump

The Viet Nam Environment Corporation, the city’s Urban Environment Company, and other local relevant agencies will complete detailed plans about the environment pollution in the waste dump in order to suggest to the city leaders, as soon as possible, effective measures to resolve the problem.


