
New visa exemption rule facilitates home return for OVs

Published: October 09, 2015

The new regulations on visa exemption for overseas Vietnamese aim to create more favourable conditions for overseas Vietnamese to return to the home land, said Deputy Foreign Minister Vu Hong Nam.

Deputy Foreign Minister Vu Hong Nam
Deputy Foreign Minister Vu Hong Nam

Decree 82/2015/ND-CP dated on September 24, which will officially take effect from November 15, 2015, will enable overseas Vietnamese, their s pouses and children to stay in Viet Nam without visas for a maximum of one year.

In a recent interview granted to the Viet Nam News Agency, Deputy Minister Nam said the decree, which replaces Decision 135/2007/QD-TTg, is a new step to harmonise legal rule with the 2014 Law on Entry, Exit, Transit and Residence of Foreign Nationals in Viet Nam, in line with the policy to make administrative procedures simpler and more transparent.

He said all policies towards overseas Vietnamese should be carried out synchronously so that the expatriates fell they themselves are an integral part of the Vietnamese nation, creating a strong national solidarity bloc.

(Source: VNA)
