
Successful kidney transplant at General Hospital

Published: October 14, 2015

On Tuesday, the Da Nang General Hospital officially announced the success of a kidney transplant which was performed on 18 September.  This was the 2nd operation of its kind to have been conducted at the hospital since the start of this year.

The kidney recipient was 25-year-old Truong Thuy An from Quang Nam Province’s Dien Ban District, and the donor was her birth-mother, 48-year-old Tang Thi Thu.  

Previously, An had been diagnosed with end-stage renal failure and she had undergone periodic haemodialysis at the hospital over a 3–month period.

An (right) and her mother
An (right) and her mother

It took 2 hours to take the left kidney out of Mrs Thu’s abdominal cavity, and one and a half hours to transplant the kidney into An’s body. 

Both An and her mother have now been discharged from the hospital after making a good recovery from their operations.

The Head of the Urologic Surgery Department of the hospital, Dr Bui Chin, remarked that kidney transplants involving blood relations have much higher success rates.



