
Agreement signed on environmental protection and climate change response

Published: August 19, 2016

On Thursday, the Da Nang Fatherland Front Committee, the municipal Department of Natural Resources and Environment, and religious organisations across the city together entered into a cooperation agreement on environmental protection and climate change response for the 2016 - 2020 period.

Tree damage caused by a storm last year
Tree damage caused by a storm last year

Under the agreement, they will compile and issue training documents relating to the environment and climate change, and then introduce them to local religious followers and residents.  The current situation of environmental pollution, and the negative impacts of climate change on the city and on elsewhere in Viet Nam and the world as a whole, will also be introduced.

In addition, the signatories will provide religious believers and residents with the guidelines, policies and laws of the Party and the State about environment-related issues.  Action programmes, launched by the municipal Fatherland Front Committee and religious organisations to protect the environment and cope with climate change, will be also presented.

Importance will be attached to offering training courses for the religious community and residents in order to help them enhance their self-rescue skills and mutual-help in case natural disasters should occur, such as storms, floods, flash floods, droughts, tsunamis, or sea level rises. 

Also, an appeal will be made for the whole religious community and residents to join efforts in helping the poor, and those in difficult circumstances, during natural disasters or epidemics.

Finally, greater efforts will be made to expand effective models, which aim to protect the environment and to cope with climate change, to religious organisations across the city.

