
Residential protection groups do well

Published: August 15, 2016

Da Nang now has 355 residential protection groups, with over 1,700 members. 

Over the past decade, these groups have provided local police with over 4,600 pieces of important information to help them investigate and clarify over 3,500 violations.

In addition, they have handled over 2,600 social security violations, and prevented 651 groups of youngsters from gathering for drinks at night, as well as dealt with 105 cases of property theft.

Also, they managed 388 residents who had been released from prison and educated 965 juvenile offenders.

Certificates of Merit from the municipal People’s Committee have been presented to 10 residential protection groups, and Certificates of Merit from the local Police Department have been given to 15 groups and 5 individuals, all in recognition of their remarkable achievements in the ‘All People Protect National Security’ movement. 

