
Strategies revealed for improving security

Published: August 15, 2016

Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Huynh Duc Tho recently approved strategies for fighting against crime in the city for the 2016 - 2025 period with a vision towards 2030.

Drugs seized in a local crime
Drugs seized in a local crime

The city is targetting to decrease the number of local crimes by between 3 and 5% by 2025 compared with this year.  Before 2030, the city is aiming to build a civilised society with ensured security.  Most notably, local citizens will be made aware of their duty to strictly obey the laws as well as become more actively involved in local crime prevention and control activities.

In an attempt to reach the target, the focus will be on increasing more active involvement in crime prevention amongst the general public and the local political system.  Local financial and auditing agencies will increase their monitoring of capital and lending activities of FDI businesses and projects, economic restructuring policies, the equitisation process of the remaining local State-owned enterprises and other related economic activities.  This will help to prevent possible losses to the state budget.

More effective mechanisms will be issued to keep a closer watch on the operation of local commercial banks, and the local capital, stock exchange and real estate markets.  Importance will also be attached to renewing the crime prevention and control policies concerning employment creation, labour exports, poverty reduction, and religious, ethnic and educational affairs. 

Local relevant agencies will do their utmost to ensure that there will be no reports of wrongful convictions or imprisonments in the city.  Heed will be paid to tightening the control over those who are at a high risk of breaking the law or committing crimes again at local hotspots of social disorder.

Greater efforts will be made to effectively implement the country’s ‘All People Protect National Security’ movement, with a focus on promoting its implementation at local locations with key strategic positions, ethnic minorities, religious places, border areas, islands, and industrial parks and adjacent areas.  Individuals and groups will be honoured and rewarded for their active involvement in this compatriot emulation movement. 

Special attention will be paid to strengthening the bilateral cooperation with other countries and international organisations, with top priority being given to neighbouring countries, ASEAN member nations, countries with advanced industries, and countries where many people from Da Nang are now living, studying and working.


