
Stronger measures required to protect the environment

Published: August 22, 2016

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Xuan Anh recently urged the city’s Department of Natural Resources and the Environment to improve their detection of manufacturing establishments and businesses causing environmental pollution and to impose stricter penalties. 

Secretary Anh addressing representatives from the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
Secretary Anh addressing representatives from the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment

He also re-affirmed the city’s firm stance on not approving any urban development projects which might have negative impacts on the local environment.

As for the tasks for the remaining months of this year, Secretary Anh asked the Department to give more suggestions to the city authorities about how to ensure the efficiency of use of local land resources, and to offer premises to more local businesses for their production purposes.  More favourable conditions should be created for local social policy families to have their own accommodation.  Also, special attention should be paid to ensuring transparency when conducting public biddings and auctions, and tightening the management of the granting of land ownership certificates to local residents and businesses. 

The city leader stressed the need for the Department to effectively resolve the current local environmental pollution hotspots and ensure that no new ones will develop in the future.

He remarked that appeals will be made for public investments into solid waste collection and treatment projects in order to help reduce the reliance on the city’s budget.

Funds from the city’s budget will be given to the Department to purchase more environmental monitoring devices.

The Department will work closely with other local relevant agencies to re-check all the projects currently underway and identify any unnecessary projects which need to be stopped in order to avoid scattered investment and cut waste.  These reports must be submitted to the municipal Party Committee for consideration and approval no later than 15 September.

Secretary Anh also urged the Department to promote IT applications in its administrative reforms and to avoid complaints raised by the general public over the delays in handling dossiers. 

Furthermore, greater efforts should be made to promote the development of the local natural resources and the environment sector in order to justify its important position in accelerating the city’s progress.

