
Traffic safety campaign to be launched

Published: August 12, 2016

The Da Nang Traffic Police Division will launch a traffic safety campaign in the city between 16 August and 15 October to ensure local traffic order and safety, especially over the forthcoming National Day (2 September).

  A driver undergoes a breathalyser test
A driver undergoes a breathalyser test

They will mobilise all traffic police to be on duty along local streets to regulate the traffic and ensure the smooth movement of vehicles.  Also, various measures will be taken to try to reduce the number of road traffic accidents and ease traffic congestion.

In addition, greater efforts will be made to combat drug and economic crimes, along with violations on road, rail and inland waterway transport.

Stricter penalties will be imposed on road users who exceed the speed limit, zigzag through traffic, pick up or drop off passengers at unpermitted locations, or are found to be involved in illegal motorbike racing.

Furthermore, fines will be imposed on drivers with a blood alcohol concentration exceeding the permitted levels.  In particular, the city’s Traffic Police Division will join efforts with the local Department of Police to increase their patrols and checks on major streets near restaurants and bars in order to deal with alcohol-related violations by road users.

In attempting to reduce the number of drink-driving accidents, the local Police Department has already suggested that the city authorities should ban restaurants, hotels, pubs, and food and drink service providers from selling beer and wine to their guests after 10.00 pm every day.  The department has also recommended strict penalties for road users committing alcohol-related violations.
