
US Humanitarian Foundation to continue supporting AO victims

Published: August 22, 2016

During his recent reception for President of the US Humanitarian Foundation Rennard Cordon Davis, Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Dang Viet Dung remarked that his city is one of the Vietnamese localities to have faced numerous post-war consequences.

some local AO-affected children
Some local AO-affected children

The city leader said, “My city now has more than 5,000 Agent Orange (AO) victims, around 1,400 of whom are disabled children.  Over recent years, the city has made great efforts to help AO-affected children. 

However, the number of child victims who are being cared for at local care centres for AO victims is still very modest.  In addition, such centres are facing a shortage of staff members and the necessary equipment to ensure the best care for the victims”.

Vice Chairman Dung thanked the US government and people for helping his city implement the detoxification of dioxin at the local international airport.  He also took the opportunity to ask Mr Davis to continue his great support for the city, and to appeal for more worldwide organisations to help local AO-affected or disabled children in order to help them to confidently integrate into the community.

Mr Davis remarked that in the past he had been a pioneer in protesting the American-Viet Nam War, and over 160 organisations worldwide were also involved in this anti-war movement.

The US guest said, “The Foundation plans to organise a large-scale event in the US on 14 October next year to draw greater attention from the public worldwide and appeal for more support for Vietnamese AO victims.  The event will be attended by numerous Vietnamese and US war veterans”.

He vowed that he would continue his efforts to appeal for his country’s government to help Viet Nam deploy the detoxification of dioxin at contaminated areas.  He also revealed that the US is conducting a great deal of research to find the best medicines and most effective ways to relieve the mental and physical pain of AO victims worldwide.

