
Greater efforts needed to ensure city's progress

Published: September 30, 2016

Over the 2 decades since Da Nang was recognised as a centrally governed city in 1997 it has made numerous tremendous achievements in its progress.  After the many positive changes to the city’s face, the local authorities must continue to ensure a high level of consensus amongst locals in order to make Da Nang an even more dynamic city with more breakthroughs in the years ahead.

 Secretary Anh (centre), municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri (first left) and municipal People’s Committee Chairman Huynh Duc Tho
Secretary Anh (centre), municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri (first left) and municipal People’s Committee Chairman Huynh Duc Tho

These statements were made by municipal Party Committee (PC) Secretary Nguyen Xuan Anh at the 6th Open Congress of the municipal PC on Thursday.

It was reported that, between January and September this year, the city’s economic growth rate was 8.85%.  The total number of tourist arrivals to the city reached 4.41 million, an increase of 18% compared with the same period last year.  Thanks to this, the city earned nearly 12,800 billion VND from tourism, up over 25% against the same period last year.  Most notably, the total of State tax collections in the city reached over 14,100 billion VND, fulfilling 95% of the year’s target.  Also, the industrial, agricultural and service sectors maintained their sustainable and stable growth during the period.  

As for investment in construction, since the start of this year the municipal PC has given the go-ahead for the deployment of many local large-scale projects.  The city’s programme to refurbish the houses of people who gave great service in the national revolution has been implemented effectively.  In particular, the preparations for the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, which will take place in the city in October 2017, are now progressing well. 

Secretary Anh remarked that the above-mentioned positive results would lay a firm foundation for the city to realise this year’s targets.  Greater efforts should be made to effectively deploy the campaign ‘The City of 4 Safe Programmes’, which aims to ensure security, traffic safety, food safety and hygiene, and social welfare for local residents, in order to maintain Da Nang’s reputation as an attractive, safe and friendly destination for both domestic and international tourists.

Secretary Anh stressed the need to accelerate the disbursement of capital for local construction investment projects during the rest of this year, as well as to develop the city’s medium-term investment plans for 2016 – 2020.  The focus should be on ensuring sufficient investment capital for the key and priority projects and those which match the city’s future development orientations.  In particular, importance should be attached to resolving the environmental pollution problems at the Tho Quang fishing wharf and along coastal streets.  Even more preferential mechanisms should be released for local businesses in order to help them overcome their difficulties and promote their trading and production activities.

The city leaders also asked relevant local agencies to work out more effective solutions to deal with the traffic congestion at certain busy places, deal with existing flooding hotspots, and to purchase more equipment for use in checking food safety and hygiene.

In particular, the DA NANG Newspaper and the Da Nang Radio and Television were directed to further publicise the upcoming 20th anniversary of the city’s recognition as a centrally-governed city on 1 January 2017.


