
Improving management of food safety and hygiene

Published: September 05, 2016

Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri recently chaired a meeting to review the city’s implementation of Directive 08-CT/TW of the 11th Party Central Committee’s Secretariat about ensuring food safety over the 2011 - 2016 period.

Testing for chemical residues in samples of fruit and vegetables taken from local markets (Photo: baomoi.com)
Testing for chemical residues in samples of fruit and vegetables taken from local markets (Photo: baomoi.com)

Over the review period, the focus was on publicising food safety and hygiene measures in the local mass media, which raised awareness amongst local Party organisations, local Fatherland Front Committees at all levels, and other local social associations. 

Over the review period, 8 dedicated livestock and poultry slaughterhouses were created in the city along with many organic vegetable growing areas.  Also, effective measures were taken to ensure food safety and hygiene in local fishing and aquaculture activities, as well as in the local aquatic products and seafood processing industries. 

Many locally-based food manufacturers and traders, restaurants, hotels, and canteens at local enterprises and schools focused on improving their food processing facilities and equipment to meet the city’s food safety and hygiene regulations and standards.

Over the period, fines totalling over 4.4 billion VND were imposed across the city for over 2,000 violations.

Deputy Secretary Tri asked local Party organisations, especially their leaders, to tighten their management of food safety and hygiene in the city.  He also stressed the need to raise awareness of this issue amongst the general public. 

Also, local relevant agencies were asked to renew their inspection methods, with a focus on conducting more surprise inspections of local food manufacturers and traders, and imposing heavier penalties for any violations. 


