
No road traffic accidents reported over holiday weekend

Published: September 05, 2016

According to the Traffic Police Division of the Da Nang Police Department, no road traffic accidents were reported in the city over the 3-day holiday break last weekend.  In addition, traffic congestion was effectively controlled at local intersections and near popular public entertainment areas.

 Local road users stopped at a red light
Local road users stopped at a red light

This year’s positive result has been mainly attributed to the various effective measures taken by the Division to ensure traffic safety over the period.

Their focus was on increasing their patrols and checks at major streets, entertainment areas, and tourist attractions to deal with traffic violators.

Over the holiday a total of 222 road traffic violations were recorded.  Twenty-four of the cases were given administrative fines totalling over 13 million VND, and 14 motorbikes and 3 cars were temporarily seized.

Over the holiday break, the Public Service Information Centre of the municipal Department of Information and Communications opened its hotline (0511) 1022 for local residents and visitors who wanted to report any social security or traffic problems in the city.  However, no conversations about these matters were conducted during the period.

Opening ceremonies for the 2016 – 2017 academic year took place at schools across the city this morning (5 September).

Local relevant agencies have taken various measures to ease traffic congestion and ensure traffic safety near local schools during the opening ceremonies.  They have also urged local schools and universities to introduce traffic safety regulations to all their pupils and students.

Traffic regulations have been publicised in the local mass media, and local residents have been warned about traffic congestion.

Traffic police will be on duty along local streets to regulate the traffic and to ensure the smooth movement of vehicles, as well as to deal with any traffic problems.
