
Tightening management of advertising activities

Published: September 06, 2016

According to the Da Nang Department of Culture and Sports, there are now 150 advertising businesses in the city.  Many effective measures have been taken by the authorities to widely publicise the national Advertising Law, which came into effect in 2012, in order to ensure that advertising standards are maintained.

The meeting in progress
The meeting in progress

Since the start of this year, fines totalling over 120 million VND have been imposed for the illegal placement of billboards, banners and loudspeakers.  Also, local relevant agencies have dealt with dozens of illegal classified advertisements across the city.

At a meeting on Monday to strengthen the State management of advertising activities, municipal Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Xuan Anh stressed the need to ensure that local advertising activities are in keeping with the local urban landscape, and obey the national laws on advertising.  The city leader asked the People’s Committee to complete plans for managing advertising activities on 5 selected streets by the end of this year, and on the remaining streets and in public areas in the years ahead.   He also urged the municipal departments of Culture and Sports, and Construction, to work closely together to reduce the time taken to grant advertising permits to local businesses.

The municipal government will consider issuing mechanisms concerning decentralisation to district-level authorities in order that they will better manage advertising activities in their locations. 

Secretary Anh also stressed the need to assess the operation of the city’s Advertising Management Centre, and proposed that this unit should be under the direct control of either the municipal People’s Committee or the Department of Culture and Sports.

Also at the meeting, municipal People’s Committee Vice Chairman Nguyen Nho Trung said that the email addresses of municipal People’s Council (PCl) members will be widely publiced to allow local voters to send any opinions and recommendations to them.  These PCl members can then forward any opinions they receive to the municipal PCl’s  Standing Board, along with relevant agencies under the management of the PCl, for consideration.

The PCl’s official website at dbnd.danang.gov.vn now displays answers to questions raised by local organisations and individuals, as well as the latest news relating to the performance of the PCl.




