
1,324 houses to be refurbished or built for social policy families next year

Published: October 26, 2016

On Tuesday, Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri met with representatives from local relevant agencies to discuss effective ways to implement next year the city’s programme to refurbish the houses of people who gave great service in the national revolution.

Deputy Secretary Tri
Deputy Secretary Tri

The city leader highlighted the significance of the programme which is part of the city’s numerous activities to mark 20 years since Da Nang’s recognition as a centrally-governed city on 1 January 1997.

Under the programme, 21.1 billion VND will be spent on refurbishing 1,055 houses, whilst 16.1 billion VND will be used to build 269 new houses for local social policy families.  In addition, gifts worth 4.63 billion VND in total will be given to 105 very poor families.

Deputy Secretary Tri urged local relevant agencies to make greater efforts to complete the refurbishment and building of 500 houses for social policy beneficiaries before the Lunar New Year 2017 to help them fully enjoy a warm and happy Tet Festival.

He stressed the need for them to keep a close eye on the progress of the refurbishment and construction to ensure the high quality and aesthetics of the work.

In addition, importance will be attached to appealing for more donations from local generous donors in order to increase the number of such houses. 

Also, heed will be paid to re-checking local social policy families who are living in degraded houses in order to put them onto the list of beneficiaries for the near future.

