
1,960 poor households to be lifted out of poverty by late 2019

Published: October 17, 2016

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc recently chaired a nationwide online meeting to discuss the implementation of the National Target Programme on Sustainable Poverty Reduction over the 2016 - 2020 period.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the meeting
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the meeting (Photo: VNA)

Between 2011 and 2015, Da Nang’s authorities at all levels made great efforts to ensure efficiency in the poverty reduction programme in the city.

Over the period, a total of around 2,000 billion VND was raised to help the local poor.  The money went to help 1,111 poor families build new houses, and to repair 2,168 downgraded houses for needy households.  In addition, 450,070 poor residents were provided with health insurance cards free of charge, whilst around 40,000 pupils enjoyed tuition fee exemptions or reductions.  Furthermore, 638 poor families were provided with accommodation.

Thanks to these efforts, the city’s annual poverty rate fell over the period by between 2% and 3%.

From now until 2020, the focus will be on using all available resources to create even more favourable conditions for the poor to help them access basic social services. 

Importance will be attached to lifting a total of 1,960 poor households out of poverty by late 2019 in order to help the city reach its target total of helping 20,000 families out of poverty by the end of 2020.
