
20 most outstanding citizens to be selected and honoured

Published: October 06, 2016

Da Nang People’s Committee (PC) Chairman Huynh Duc Tho recently approved the rules for selecting and honouring 20 local citizens for their remarkable achievements towards the city’s progress over the 2 decades since Da Nang was recognised as a centrally governed city in 1997.

Under the assessment criteria, the honourees must be Vietnamese citizens who have either permanent or temporary residence in the city.  No regard will be taken of age, gender, occupation, religion or race.

The honourees are required to have made particularly outstanding achievements in local aspects, which might include business and production activities, State management, Party-building work, security and defence, science and technology, environmental protection, culture and arts, healthcare, education and training, physical education and sports, and charitable or community development.  In particular, the lives and careers of honourees should have had a profound influence on the development of the agencies where they work, their residential locations, and the community as a whole.  Also, they must have good ethics, obey the guidelines and policies of the Party, State and the city, and have been actively involved in building a civilised and cultural lifestyle within their families, agencies and residential areas.

The 20 most outstanding citizens will be honoured at a grand ceremony on 31 December to mark the 20th anniversary of the city’s recognition as a centrally-governed city.  The honourees will receive campaign medals and Certificates of Merit from the municipal PC, plus rewards worth 20 million VND each.

Local government agencies, socio-political associations and media agencies will nominate one or 2 staff members each for the honours.  Their dossiers must be sent to the headquarters of the Department of Publicity and Training no later than 5 November.

