
City to participate in WWF's Earth Hour City Challenge

Published: October 20, 2016

The Da Nang authorities have agreed to participate in The Earth Hour City Challenge (EHCC) 2017 programme.  All the expenses for the city’s participation will be covered by the WWF-Viet Nam.

A corner of Da Nang
A corner of Da Nang

Initiated by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), EHCC aims to appeal for action and support from cities in the global transition towards a climate friendly, one-planet future, and to stimulate the development and dissemination of best practices for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Under the annual programme’s rules, cities are required to report inspiring and creditable commitments and actions transitioning to renewable energy and building a climate resilient community.  They are also encouraged to highlight the co-benefits of such actions in relation to food, water and energy security challenges.  A short-list of National Earth Hour Capitals representing their own countries (one city per country) is created for the final round.  The worldwide winner is entitled the ‘Global Earth Hour Capital’.

Hue City marked the country’s first entry into EHCC in 2016 and it was named as ‘Viet Nam’s National Earth Hour Capital’ at an awards ceremony in June.


