
Efforts to ensure effective publicity and training activities

Published: October 06, 2016

During a meeting on Wednesday between representatives from the Da Nang Department of Publicity and Training and its member organisations at grass-roots levels, the Department urged its members to deal with local issues which cause great concern as speedily as possible.

Importance will also be attached to increasing their fight against anyone who distributes false information about the Party or the State, and ensuring a high level of consensus in society.

In addition, heed will also be paid to publicising local cultural and sporting activities which celebrate public holidays and other anniversaries in the city, including the forthcoming celebrations for the 20 years since Da Nang’s recognition as a centrally-governed city on 1 January 1997.

Greater efforts will be made to better publicise local remarkable socio-economic achievements.

Also, the emphasis will be on increasing the checks and monitoring of the implementation of the resolutions of the 12th National Party Congress and the 21st Congress of the municipal Party Committee, as well as the newly-issued Politburo Directive 05-CT/TW on promoting the studying and following of the ideology, morality and lifestyle of late President Ho Chi Minh.
