
Improving management of food safety and hygiene

Published: October 19, 2016

On Monday, Da Nang People's Committee Vice Chairman Dang Viet Dung chaired a meeting to discuss ways to improve the management of food safety and hygiene across the city.

Fruit stalls at a local market
Fruit stalls at a local market

Discussions focused on creating closer links between relevant local agencies to ensure food safety and hygiene in the immediate future, and in the years ahead.

Some participants suggested that a municipal Steering Board for Food Safety and Hygiene should be established, and stronger measures should be taken to raise public awareness about the matter.

Vice Chairman Dung highlighted the significance of food safety and hygiene management in ensuring the successful implementation of ‘The City of 4 Safe Programmes’.  He also identified the responsibilities of relevant local agencies in enhancing the management of food safety and hygiene in the city.

The city leader stressed the need to establish the Food Safety and Hygiene Testing Laboratory under the direct management of the municipal Department of Science and Technology as soon as possible.

