
Over 460 billion VND raised to help poor women and children

Published: October 28, 2016

Over the past 5 years, the Da Nang Association for Supporting Poor and Disadvantaged Women and Children has raised a total of more than 460 billion VND from generous donors to implement charitable activities locally.

A poor woman from Lien Chieu District in the Women’s Hospital after delivering her baby
A poor woman from Lien Chieu District in the Women’s Hospital after delivering her baby

The money has been used to cover hospital fee exemptions and reductions for tens of thousands of poor female patients at the Cancer and Women’s hospitals.

In addition, over 97,000 poor children have been provided with free screening tests for the early detection of congenital heart complaints.  As a result, more than 1,000 were diagnosed with such problems, and over 400 of them have received free surgery.

Over the period, the Hy Vong (Hope) Village, which operates under the management of the Association, has provided care for hundreds of orphaned children.

Between 2016 and 2021, the Association will focus on increasing the promotion of its free heart surgery programme for children, and on giving more financial assistance to poor patients at the Cancer and Women’s hospitals.

Also, importance will be attached to appealing for more donations from generous domestic and foreign donors to help more beneficiaries.

Municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Dang Viet Dung has praised the Association for its great efforts in offering financial aid for poor women to help them access medical treatment.  In addition, the Association has been applauded for its active involvement in bringing playing and learning opportunities to disadvantaged children.

Vice Chairman Dung urged the Women’s Hospital to make even greater efforts to earn the trust and respect of local female residents.

A total of 6 groups and 4 individuals have been given Certificates of Merit from the municipal People’s Committee in recognition of their remarkable achievements over the past 5 years, whilst 2 other groups and 5 individuals have been honoured by the local Fatherland Front Committee.

