
Performance of maritime militia forces reviewed

Published: October 20, 2016

On Wednesday, Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh chaired a meeting to review the performance of the local maritime militia forces over the 2015 - 2016 period.

Vice Chairman Minh and some honourees
Vice Chairman Minh and some honourees (Photo:qdnd.vn)

There are currently 2 dedicated maritime militia platoons, one in the district of Thanh Khe and the other in Son Tra.  The militiamen are required to be mainly on duty in the Hoang Sa fishing grounds.

Over the review period, the authorities of the 2 districts have done their utmost to raise awareness, amongst the owners of fishing vessels and fishermen, of the importance of safeguarding the country’s sovereignty over its sea and islands.  They have also encouraged more local residents to join the local maritime militia forces.

Importance has also been attached to promoting maritime militia work in combination with increasing training sessions at sea to help the militiamen enhance their professional skills, maintain combat readiness, and ensure closer links with other local law enforcement forces to resolve possible incidents at sea.

Vice Chairman Minh asked relevant local agencies to raise awareness of maritime militia building amongst the general public, especially local Party members and government employees.  Greater efforts should be made to strictly implement the national Law on Militia and Self-Defence Forces, with a focus on building more ships and developing human resources for the protection of the national sovereignty over its sea and islands.  More effective ways should also be found to enhance the efficiency of the operation of the existing maritime militia forces.  In addition, more preferential policies for the militiamen should be issued. 

Also at the review meeting, 4 groups and 6 individuals received Certificates of Merit from the municipal People’s Committee for their remarkable achievements in maritime militia building work during the 2015 - 2016 period.



