
Refurbishing local streets in preparation for APEC 2017

Published: October 24, 2016

As part of a project for refurbishing 20 major routes in Da Nang in preparation for the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC 2017) summit in November 2017, the upgrade of the Hoang Sa-Vo Nguyen Giap coastal route has already been completed.

A section of Nguyen Van Linh street
A section of Nguyen Van Linh street

The Management Board of Rural Transportation Projects was responsible for managing the 243 billion VND project which was funded by the city’s budget.

Work will start on upgrading the 19 remaining routes in early December, and the work will be completed no later than July 2017.  They are Nguyen Van Linh-Vo Van Kiet, Ngo Quyen-Le Van Hien, Cach Mang Thang Tam-2 September-Bach Dang-Tran Phu-3 February, Nguyen Tri Phuong-Nguyen Huu Tho, Duy Tan-Nguyen Van Thoai, an approach road to the Tien Son Bridge-Ho Xuan Huong, Tran Hung Dao, Nguyen Tat Thanh-Nguyen Luong Bang, Truong Chinh-Ton Duc Thang, Thang Long, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Dong Da, Trieu Nu Vuong, Nguyen Du, Ham Nghi-Le Dinh Ly, Ngo Gia Tu, Hai Phong and Nguyen Cong Tru.

To date, surveys have been conducted along the total length of the streets, and estimates have been made of the number of square metres of their pavements which need retiling and the number of new trees needed to replace the existing stunted ones.

