
Women's Union gains positive achievements

Published: October 07, 2016

Over the past 5 years, the Da Nang Women's Union and its members have made great efforts to promote the city’s progress.

Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Xuan Anh (right) presenting the laudatory banner to a representative from the local Women's Union
Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Xuan Anh (right) presenting the laudatory banner to a representative from the local Women's Union

In particular, numerous practical campaigns have been launched in the city which have helped to ensure efficient social welfare and poverty reduction.

Various meaningful programmes have been implemented, with a focus on helping local women increase their capacities and enhance their knowledge, as well as be fully aware of their roles and positions in their families and society.

Together these have helped to significantly enhance the spiritual and material lives of local women and protect their legitimate interests, as well as promote gender equality.

Between 2016 and 2021, the Union will focus on implementing even more meaningful programmes to further local socio-economic development and ensure the effective implementation of the ‘City of 4 Safe Programmes’.

Importance will be attached to organising training courses on the State and Party's resolutions and directives for all staff who are working for its member organisations at grass-roots levels.  In addition, heed will be paid to repairing deteriorated houses or building new ones for 300 local families.  

Greater efforts will be made to facilitate at least 6,000 union members who are seeking access to loans from the local Fund for Supporting Women to promote their trading and production activities.  Also, the emphasis will be on providing consulting services and vocational training courses for at least 80% of local poor women, as well as helping 30,000 females to find suitable jobs.

During the recent 13th Congress of the Da Nang Women's Union for the 2016 - 2021 tenure, President of the Viet Nam Women’s Union Nguyen Thi Thu Ha stressed the need for the local Women's Union to promote innovations in its operational activities.

To mark the event, the municipal Women's Union was awarded a joint laudatory banner by the Da Nang Party Committee, the People’s Council, the People’s Committee, and the Fatherland Front Committee.  The banner features the written words ‘Da Nang’s women uphold solidarity, make innovations, are confident and charming, and exert even more efforts to make the city a more prosperous and beautiful locality’.

