
129 inmates released from local jails under amnesty over past 8 years

Published: November 14, 2016

A recent meeting took place in Da Nang to review the 8 years since the implementation of the national Amnesty Law and the 5 years of the national Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments.

Under the Amnesty Law, 129 local inmates have been released over the past 8 years after meeting the national amnesty standards concerning displaying good behaviour and rehabilitation during their jail terms.  Such clemency is aimed at encouraging prisoners to refresh themselves so that they can return to society sooner than their given jail terms.

Most notably, over 1,100 people have accessed a total of over 3.4 billion VND in loans from a local rehabilitation fund, which was set up in 2011 by the municipal  authorities, to set up their own businesses after being released from prison. 

With regard to the implementation of the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments, there has been an effective interconnection between such relevant local agencies as the Police Department, the People's Procuracy, and the People’s Court at municipal level.

Addressing the review meeting, municipal People’s Committee (PC) Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh asked the municipal Police Department to uphold its vital role in implementing the 2 laws.  He said that importance should be attached to helping more people with their post-prison job searches and to access loans from the fund.  This will help them to establish their own businesses and confidently re-integrate into the community.

Also at the meeting, 7 groups and 3 individuals received Certificates of Merit from the Chairman of the municipal PC in recognition of their active involvement in effectively implementing the 2 laws.  Also, one group and 11 individuals were presented with Certificates of Merit from the Director of the municipal Police Department.



