
Construction of 2 local road tunnels to be completed early

Published: November 24, 2016

On Wednesday, Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Huynh Duc Tho chaired a meeting to deal with matters arising during the construction of the road tunnel taking Tran Phu under its busy junction with Le Duan, and the tunnel at the intersections of Dien Bien Phu and Nguyen Tri Phuong.

Construction of the tunnel taking Tran Phu under the busy junction with Le Duan
Construction of the tunnel taking Tran Phu under the busy junction with Le Duan

Regarding the construction of the former, to date one household affected by the project has received 100% of their compensation, whilst 4 have received 80% and 5 have been given resettlement land lots.

Chairman Tho asked relevant local agencies to deal with any complaints raised by the affected families about site clearance work, and to implement the city’s regulations about compensation and relocation in an effective and reasonable manner. 

As for the tunnel at the intersection of Dien Bien Phu and Nguyen Tri Phuong, work will start on this project on 29 December 2016.  Public biddings for the project will be conducted soon, and public opinion will be collected very soon about the traffic management arrangements around the construction site. 

The city leader stressed the need to ensure transparency in the implementation of the city’s support policies for displaced households affected by the construction work.  Also, traffic management plans should be widely publicised to the general public as soon as possible in order to ensure traffic order.

Chairman Tho also noted that the time taken to construct the 2 tunnels will be reduced as much as possible.  The construction of the road tunnel at the intersections of Tran Phu and Le Duan will be completed no later than 30 April 2017, whilst the other is scheduled for completion by 2 September 2017.



