
Effective ways identified to handle issues of local importance

Published: November 11, 2016

Some of Da Nang’s important issues were discussed at a meeting on Thursday between the municipal People's Committee Chairman Huynh Duc Tho and representatives from relevant local agencies.

Chairman Tho at the meeting
Chairman Tho at the meeting

Included were regulations on oil spill prevention and response, a project to promote physical education and sport over the 2016 - 2020 period with a vision towards 2025, and another project to name and rename some new and existing local streets and public construction works in 2016. 

One focus will be on issuing preferential and support policies for both domestic and foreign investors to the city’s Hi-tech Park, and adjustments will be made to regulations concerning the granting of regular and emergency allowances to local social beneficiaries who suffer life-threatening diseases and live in difficult circumstances.

Chairman Tho urged relevant local agencies to find suitable locations for the building of new educational institutes and sports centres for local school pupils.  The intention is to facilitate their learning activities and help them enhance their physical health.

He stressed the need for them to cooperate with district-level public cultural and sports centres, and privately run ones, to offer training venues for pupils from nearby schools in order to save costs.  Also, greater efforts should be made to fully tap the great potential of cultural and sports centres across the city.

The municipal Department of Education and Training was asked to promote the efficient use of learning tools and teaching equipment at local schools, as well as to ensure the maintenance of them.

In addition, the city leader urged relevant local agencies to maintain a healthy business environment at the Hi-tech Park in order to attract even more domestic and foreign investors.

Another emphasis will be on enhancing citizen reception procedures at local agencies in order to ensure the best benefits. Those who violate the city’s regulations on this issue will be strictly punished.
