
Lao friends love 206

Published: November 18, 2016

Over the past decade, the Da Nang-based South Laos Friendship Company of Military Zone 5, known as the 206 Company, has become very popular with Lao people thanks to its numerous construction projects in their country. 

A 206 Company employee teaching a Political Division No 5 officer how to harvest coffee
A 206 Company employee teaching a Political Division No 5 officer how to harvest coffee

Mr Vongvichit Nanh Thala, Head of the Kon Tun Village in Champasak Province’s Paksong District, said that over the last 10 years the 206 company has funded the construction of the Syvilay Primary School, a kindergarten, and a medical station in his village.  It has also spent over 100 million VND on building a community house there.

During his meeting with a group of representatives from Military Zone 5, the Vice Chairman of the Sekong Province People’s Committee, Mr Leklai Sivilay, took the opportunity to express his sincere gratitude to the Da Nang and Quang Nam Province authorities for helping his province refurbish local schools and military barracks, as well as giving free medical examinations and treatment to local residents. 

The Commander of Political Division No 5 of the Lao People's Army remarked that Military Zone 5 has given financial aid to his unit to buy advanced technical equipment, build new military barracks, and provide training courses for Lao military officers.

In addition, Lao’s Minister of Defence expressed his appreciation of 206 Company for its great efforts and high sense of responsibility in implementing numerous construction projects and social welfare activities in these Lao localities.
