
Promoting crime prevention and control

Published: November 10, 2016

Between 1 November 2015 and 31 October 2016, 1,161 people involved in 729 criminal cases have been prosecuted in Da Nang, an increase of 52 suspects and 27 cases compared with the same period last year.  In particular, drugs-related cases are becoming more and more sophisticated with cunning tricks.

Between January and October, 18 murder cases were prosecuted.  The main reasons for these cases were conflicts arising from love affairs and the abuse of prohibited stimulants. 

In addition, investigations were conducted into 51 serious criminal cases, and 123 cases were brought to public trial.

These figures were officially released at a meeting on Tuesday as part of the preparations for the upcoming 3rd session of the city’s People’s Council (PC) which will take place between 7 and 9 December.

At the meeting, representatives from the municipal People’s Procuracy recommended that the ward and commune-level People’s Committees and relevant local agencies should tighten their management of local unemployed people and those who are from other localities nationwide, as well as residential areas with more complicated security status and other sensitive locations.  This will help to detect any illegal drug trafficking and trading cases in the city in a timely fashion.

The Head of the Legislative Board of the municipal PC, Mr Phan Thanh Long, stressed the need for the municipal People’s Procuracy to effectively handle local administrative cases, as well as to ensure effective interconnection between local relevant agencies in conducting legal proceedings.

