
Young Vietnamese sets 4 memory world records

Published: November 10, 2016

Duong Anh Vu, 28, was honored with 4 world records for memory by the Assist World Records Research Foundation, High Range Book of Records, and Incredible Book of Records in Delhi, India, on 6 November.

Duong Anh Vu (R) receives a medal after setting four world records for memorization in India on November 6, 2016. Tuoi Tre
Duong Anh Vu (R) receives a medal after setting four world records for memorization in India on November 6, 2016. Tuoi Tre

Vu was recognised for being able to memorize 108 global data systems on economic matters, culture, politics and the social affairs of 225 nations and territories worldwide.

The systems include 22,248 data entries with 41,725 numbers and 18,725 characters relating to details of the countries’ and territories’ areas, population, capitals, currencies, crude oil reserves, GDP, and GDP per capita.

Vu could remember 2,500 landmarks in international languages on the large-scale world map as well as 10,056 historical events and 1,022 works of literature.

In addition, he was able to remember 20,000 pi numbers and recognized with the fastest reflective memory in map identification.

Vu was born in February 24, 1988 in Ninh Thuan Province and has an MBA from New Zealand University.

The young man previously set a record for his incredible memory in Thailand’s record books in March last year.

He was working on his doctoral degree at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University at the time.

(Source: Tuoitrenews)
