
City does well to ensure food safety and hygiene

Published: December 02, 2016

Since the start of this year, the Da Nang authorities at all levels have introduced numerous effective measures to ensure local food safety and hygiene.

Fruit stalls at a local market
Fruit stalls at a local market

Last month, the municipal authorities approved a project for promoting the management of food safety and hygiene in line with production and consumption processes by 2020.  Under the project, the city is hoping that, from 2017 onwards, 100% of the local food manufacturers, traders and consumers will strictly comply with the city’s food safety and hygiene regulations and standards.

By 2020, 100% of local government employees involved in this aspect will be offered training courses to enhance their professional skills, and stronger measures will be taken to promote food poisoning prevention and control.  Furthermore, an information system to monitor local agricultural products will be set up.

Also last month, municipal People’s Committee (PC) Chairman Huynh Duc Tho gave the go-ahead for regulations concerning the management of unpackaged and processed agricultural, forestry and aquatic products, as well as fruit and vegetables sourced from other localities nationwide or neighbouring countries.  In particular, food manufacturers and traders could have their business licences revoked if they are found violating the food safety and hygiene regulations.

Local residents and visitors now can ring a hotline to report any food safety and hygiene problems in the city.  Conversations can be conducted in Vietnamese or English.  The hotline can explain to callers the city-issued policies and guidelines, as well as decisions and conclusions made by the local authorities regarding food safety and hygiene.  Users of local landline phones need only dial 1022, whilst those ringing from mobile phones or landlines registered in other localities must dial 0511 1022.  The call charge to this hotline is the same as for any other landline number, whilst an ask-to-answer service is free of charge.  Currently, switchboard operators are on duty from 7.30am - 9.00pm every day. 

Local residents and visitors can also text ATTP [Name of food trader] [Address] to 8118, with each text costing 1,500 VND, to learn about whether or not that establishment meets the city’s food safety and hygiene standards.

As of November, safety certificates had been granted to 3,379 local manufacturers and traders.

Addressing a meeting on Wednesday, municipal PC Vice Chairman Dang Viet Dung highly praised the city-based media agencies for their active involvement in widely publishing the city’s policies and instructions about food safety and hygiene, and for giving constructive criticism about this matter.  This will help the local authorities to adjust their management and introduce even more effective measures to ensure food safety and hygiene across the city.


