
Efficiency of 'Using Vietnamese Goods' movement in Hai Chau District

Published: December 02, 2016

During their meeting on Wednesday with a group of inspectors from the National Economic Board led by its Deputy Head Ngo Dong Hai, Da Nang’s Hai Chau District authorities remarked that the ‘Vietnamese People Give Priority to Using Vietnamese Goods’ movement has been implemented effectively in their district over recent months.

Representatives from the National Economic Board at CoopMart
Representatives from the National Economic Board at CoopMart

In particular, local relevant agencies have widely publicised to businesses and residents the quality and reasonable prices of Vietnamese goods in comparison with imported ones.  This intended to help them understand more about the great benefits of choosing home-made goods. 

A focus has been on encouraging political and social organisations in the district to buy domestic products.   More checks have been made at Vietnamese goods production establishments, both on their production processes and the quality and origin of their products.

The district authorities suggested that a Steering Board for the ‘Vietnamese People Give Priority to Using Vietnamese Goods’ movement should be established in Da Nang to ensure the consistency of, and enhance the efficiency of, the implementation of the movement across the locality.  Another proposal was also made by them to develop a chain of Vietnamese goods outlets throughout the city.

The visiting group highly applauded the suggestions made by the district authorities.  They also discussed the administrative fines to be imposed for violations relating to fake, counterfeit and poor-quality products, as well as how to promote the supply-demand links for Vietnamese products, and to assist Vietnamese goods production businesses.

On the same day, the group paid visits to the city’s CoopMart and the Hoa Tho Textiles and Garments Company.
