
Number of violations significantly declines over 1st month of new traffic regulation

Published: December 03, 2016

According to the Da Nang Department of Police, between 1 and 29 November, 231 traffic violations were caught on surveillance cameras installed at intersections along Cach Mang Thang Tam street.  The violations included running through red light and exceeding the speed limit.

Traffic at the intersection of Nguyen Huu Tho-Cach Mang Thang Tam-an approach road to the Nguyen Tri Phuong Bridge
Traffic at the intersection of Nguyen Huu Tho-Cach Mang Thang Tam-an approach road to the Nguyen Tri Phuong Bridge

Of the figure, 10 violations were directly handled by local traffic police who were on duty at or near the intersections thanks to images of these offences electronically sent from technical officers at the Department’s Information Centre.  As for the remainder, penalty tickets enclosed with hard copies of images of the violations were also sent to violators at home, requiring them to pay fines. 

It was also reported that fines totalling over 320 million VND were imposed on the violations, and 67 offenders had their driving licences temporarily revoked.

The Head of the Department’s Traffic Police Division, Colonel Le Ngoc, remarked, “Since the regulation on the handling of image-based violations took effect on 1 November, there has been a significant decrease in the number of traffic violations compared with previous days.  Most of the offenders admitted their guilts, and paid their fines in accordance with the traffic laws”.

Images of traffic violators being captured
Images of traffic violators being captured

For example, on 19 November, a 24-year-old man from Dong Nai Province, the driver of car BKS 51F-90, was caught driving his vehicle at 67.5 kph on a section of Cach Mang Thang Tam, whilst the speed limit on that section is 60 kph.  He pleaded guilty and pledged that he would never commit the mistake again.

Colonel Ngoc also affirmed that strict and clear penalty regulations have helped the traffic users enhance their self-discipline in order to build a more civilised traffic culture in the city.

More surveillance cameras will be put into operation at 10 other traffic hotspots soon.  Also, such support devices as servers, computers, printers and digital video recorders will be provided for the local police to increase their detection and handling of violations.


