
Around 1,000 units of blood collected

Published: January 17, 2017

As part of the national ‘Red Sunday’ programme, a blood donation session took place yesterday at the Da Nang University of Economics.  At the event, a total of around 1,000 units of blood were collected from local school pupils, university students, and military officers and men.

Volunteers donating blood
Volunteers donating blood

In early January, students from the junior colleges of Technology and Commerce, along with those from the universities of Science and Technology, Education, Duy Tan, and Medicine and Pharmacy, donated a total of 2,740 units of blood.

Last year, a total of over 23,000 units of blood were collected from local young people, which helped to fully meet the demand of the local hospitals for blood to use in emergencies and general treatment.

The city now has over 650 people who are willing to donate their blood whenever a hospital is in need.  Over the past year, some of them were able to donate 75 units of rare blood, which helped to promptly save the lives of many patients suffering from severe diseases such as dengue fever.


