
Nearly 83 billion VND goes to help those in need

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 21, 2018, 17:10 [GMT+7]

Between 2008 and 2018, the Da Nang Red Cross Society and its chapters at all levels raised nearly 83 billion VND from generous domestic and foreign donors to help 35,301 people in need, exceeding 13.7% of its target.

Over the 2019 - 2023 period, the municipal Red Cross targets to raise more funds to assist at least 5,000 people who need help each year.

Recently, the Charity Vocational Training Centre of the municipal Red Cross has been awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Vietnamese Prime Minister in recognition of its active engagement in charitable and social activities.

In addition, a total of 24 individuals and groups received Certificates of Merit from the Central Committee of the Viet Nam Red Cross Society, and 39 others have been given Certificates of Merit from the municipal People's Committee Chairman, in recognition of their active involvement in charity activities over the past decade.

Sixteen individuals and groups have been honoured with ‘Golden Heart’ certificates of the municipal Red Cross Society for their outstanding contributions and support for the city’s ‘Each Organisation and Individual Being Associated with a Humanitarian Address’ movement.
