
MIC authority points out Facebook's law violations in Viet Nam

By VNA / DA NANG Today
January 10, 2019, 16:53 [GMT+7]

The Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information under the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) has uncovered a number of law violations by the social networking site Facebook, including its failure to remove fanpages with content of subversive activities against Viet Nam when requested.

Illustrative image (Source: Internet)
Illustrative image (Source: Internet)

According to the authority, Facebook also allows accounts to sell and advertise illegal products and services; while allowing subscribers to pay to spread wrongful information, as well as information smearing organisations, individuals, and businesses.

Head of the authority Nguyen Thanh Lam said that such companies like Facebook and Google have always applied tricks to avoid and delay the thorough implementation of requests from authorised agencies to abide by the law of Viet Nam.

Facebook commits to nothing on paper, which shows its ignorance of rules of cooperation with State agencies when doing business and supplying services in Viet Nam. The representatives it sends to Viet Nam are not those who can make decisions, said Lam.

Meanwhile, head of the Department of Large-Scale Business Taxing Management under the General Department of Taxation Nguyen Van Phung said that Facebook’s violations cause losses in two tax resources.

He clarified that online traders have not made tax declarations, while Facebook itself has yet to pay tax for the amount of money that it receives from individuals using its advertisement services.

According to the Viet Nam National Telecommunications Administration’s initial statistics, there are currently eight firms – including Viettel, VNPT, and FPT – allowing Facebook’s direct connections and nearly 900 servers in Viet Nam.

Notably, in contracts signed with Vietnamese telecommunications companies, Facebook gives no items committing to allowing regulations of Viet Nam’s law, he noted, stressing that this is a loophole enabling the social network to continue committing law violations.

In order to deal with the case, management agencies will continue gathering evidence of Facebook’s violations, requesting the firm to abide by the law and asking it to add commitments to follow Viet Nam’s law in its deals with Vietnamese firms.

At the same time, Facebook has been requested to coordinate with relevant agencies in managing payment and taxation activities on trade transaction and advertisement in Viet Nam.

Technical measures will also be applied when necessary if Facebook takes no positive steps.

(Source: VNA)
