
Coronavirus tests on other 20 suspected cases come back negative

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 06, 2020, 18:37 [GMT+7]

Dr Nguyen Tien Hong, Deputy Director of the Da Nang Department of Health, announced on Thursday that tests on 20 other people who were suspected of having the novel coronavirus (nCoV) have come back negative. This has so far brought the total number of suspected cases tested for the deadly virus to 68, and all have been confirmed negative.

A medical worker of the Lung Hospital bringing food to a suspected patient in an isolation wing
A medical worker of the Lung Hospital bringing food to a suspected patient in an isolation wing

The Lung Hospital has recently received other 15 patients with high fever who were suspected of having nCoV. Three of them are from Ukraine and Taiwan (China), and the remainder are Vietnamese.

Currently, 49 suspected patients in total are receiving medical treatment at the Lung and General hospitals in the city.

To date, 124 suspected cases in total have been recorded in the city, 75 of them have been discharged from the hospital after recovery.

A total of 58 people who have returned to the city from abroad, not from China’s Wuhan, have been checked and closely monitored their health conditions in the locality. All of them have been in normal health.

By PHAN CHUNG - Translated by MAI DUNG
