
Production of face masks boosted amid coronavirus outbreak

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 08, 2020, 13:44 [GMT+7]

Since 30 January (the 6th day of the 1st lunar month), more than 400 workers of two medical device plants of the Danameco Medical Joint Stock Corporation in Da Nang and Quang Nam Province have been working 3 shifts a day. The intention is to ensure the sufficient supplies of face masks amid the growing concerns over the novel coronavirus (2019 - nCoV).

Workers of the medical equipment manufacturing factories have to work overtime to meet the needs of customers
Workers of the medical device plants are working overtime amid the coronavirus outbreak
A female worker Le Thi Thu Huong said she and her co-workers have been working under pressure in recent days.
Ms Le Thi Thu Huong said she and her co-workers have been working very hard in recent days.

The medical product manufacturers have increased their daily production capacity to between 110,000 and 120,000 face masks, doubling the number of normal days.

In addition to Da Nang, the Danameco Medical Joint Stock Corporation has received many orders of face masks from other localities nationwide
Besides, the Danameco Medical Joint Stock Corporation has received many orders of face masks from other localities nationwide

Mr Vo Anh Duc, Business Director of the Company, said that his company has received a order of more than one million national-standard face masks from the Da Nang government at the prices of 2,200 VND per mask.

Over recent days, the company has supplied between 15,000 and 20,000 face masks per day. In particular, a total of 27,000 face masks at stable prices were provided for local residents on 7 February.

A mask production line at a medical equipment manufacturing factory
A mask production line at a medical device plant

Director Duc also remarked that his company has been facing some difficulties in finding sources of raw materials to produce filter which is the most important part of the masks. The main reason is that the company's raw material suppliers fromThailand, India, and China have been heavily affected by the 2019-nCoV epidemic.

Mr Duc added that, from 8 February onwards, his company would make medical protective clothing with a daily production capacity of between 4,000 and 5,000. He pledged that his company would do its utmost to complete orders within one month.

By KHANH HOA – Translated by MAI DUNG
