
Spokesperson: Viet Nam to resume several commercial flights with high level of safety

By VNA / DA NANG Today
September 18, 2020, 10:29 [GMT+7]

The Prime Minister and the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control have decided to resume some commercial flights between Viet Nam and six countries and territories - Japan, the Republic of Korea (RoK), China, Taiwan (China), Laos, and Cambodia - according to the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang.

Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)
Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

During the ministry’s regular press conference in Hanoi on September 17, Hang said passengers eligible to enter Viet Nam include Vietnamese citizens, foreigners holding diplomatic and official passports, experts, investors, corporate executives, skilled workers and their relatives, foreign students, and relatives of Vietnamese citizens from abroad.

To fulfill the task with a high level of safety, Vietnamese ministries and agencies have held working sessions with authorities abroad, as directed by the Prime Minister.

The spokesperson said flights linking Viet Nam and Seoul, Tokyo, Taiwan (China), and Guangzhou (China) were planned to be launched on September 15, while those to and from Vientiane and Phnom Penh scheduled to start from September 22.

People who enter Viet Nam on commercial flights after transiting a third country must strictly follow medical quarantine regulations in the country.

Source: VNA
