
Da Nang closes field hospital for Covid-19 patients

By VNA / DA NANG Today
October 04, 2020, 10:01 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control decided on 2 October to close the Hoa Vang field hospital for Covid-19 patients.

Patient 936 (L) waves at a medical worker of the Hoa Vang Covid-19 treatment hospital on September 23 when preparing to return home (Photo: VNA)
Patient 936 (L) waving goodbye to a medical worker of the Hoa Vang Field Hospital for Covid-19 patients on September 23 after recovering from Covid-19  (Photo: VNA)

Located within the Hoa Vang District Medical Centre, the field hospital has treated a total of 239 patients, with the last discharged on September 23 since Da Nang became the pandemic epicentre of the second Covid-19 outbreak, which began on July 25.

The Hoa Vang District Medical Centre continues handling the remaining workload.

Source: VNA/ DA NANG Today
