
Da Nang sets energy saving targets set for 2020 - 2030

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 22, 2020, 11:33 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang government just issued a specific plan in an active response to its landmark programme on economical and efficient energy consumption across the city for the 2020 - 2030 period in a great attempt to promote energy saving habits amongst the general public.

Illustrative image (Photo: Internet)
Illustrative image (Photo: Internet)

Under the plan, Da Nang will strive to reach a minimum energy efficiency rate of 5% by 2025 compared to the city’s total energy consumption forecast for the 2020 - 2025 period.

In detail, 100% of the local key transport service providers will apply technical solutions in the utilisation of energy-efficient motor vehicles.

Also, 70% of the industrial parks and 50% of industrial clusters will have access to economical and efficient energy consumption solutions.

Besides, 60% of the schools at all levels will add activities publicising economical and efficient use of energy to their training curricula.

By 2030, the city’s minimum energy saving rate will climb to 7% compared to the city’s total energy consumption forecast for the 2020- 2030 period.

Previously, the city leaders and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) discussed the deployment of the Viet Nam Smart and Energy Efficient City Project (SEECP) in the city in the coming time.

ADB will support Da Nang take up energy efficiency across street lighting network in an effort to reduce electricity and maintenance costs as well as greenhouse gas emissions, thereby boosting the development of the tourism, and driving the city’s growth as a whole.

By KHANH HOA – Translated by A.T
