
Using maximum available resources to successfully control COVID-19 in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 16, 2021, 11:30 [GMT+7]

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang on Sunday afternoon urged police to intensify the enforcement of new restrictions from today, August 16, to ensure compliance with the new rules among local residents.

Officers have been given the power to take action against anyone who violates strict stay-at-home orders and issue hash penalties to them.      

Secretary Quang stressed the need for police to intensify their enforcement of tougher COVID-19 restrictions in the city in a meeting on Sunday afternoon. Photo: LE HUNG
Secretary Quang stressed the need for police to intensify their enforcement of tougher COVID-19 restrictions in the city in a meeting on Sunday afternoon. Photo: LE HUNG

The Da Nang Party Chief highlighted the importance of establishment of supervisor teams in wards and communes across the city in monitoring practices of strict stay-at-home orders among people in residential settings and apartment buildings. The team members will also take responsibility for ensuring the supply of food items for residents in their local areas during 7 days of the imposition of tougher measures to tackle COVID-19.      

Municipal People's Committee Chairman Chinh Le Trung Chinh called on officials to strictly follow COVID-19 guidelines and policy responses from the city’s government and the municipal Standing Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control to take the most effective action to help the city bring the outbreak under control.

“The success of the city’s fight against COVID-19 will depend on concerted efforts of all, including authorities at local level and their local residents, along with relevant agencies”, Mr Chinh remarked.

Chairman Chinh directed the health agency to beef up tracing, testing and isolating efforts for positive cases and their contacts in a bid to break the chains of transmission in a fastest and effective maner.

Mr Chinh called on officials and every one across the city to play their part in the tough battle against the deadly disease, as well as unite and work together with the municipal administration to successfully control the spread of the virus with strong determination.

Chairman Chinh affirmed that the safety and health of all people are key priorities for the Da Nang government.

A combined total of 50,231 people in Da Nang on August 15 got tested for COVID-19, of whom, 48,728 got RT-PCR tests. Since June 18, the health agency has rolled out COVID-19 testing for nearly 1.4 million people across the city, according to the municipal Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control’s latest figures.

Fines of more than VND 108 million on Sunday, August 15, were imposed on 13 people for breaking the city’s COVID-19 rules. In total, close to VND 2.5 billion worth of fines have been levied on 861 violators of the city’s COVID-19 restrictions since June 18, according to latest figures released by the Office of the municipal People’s Committee.

Reporting by LE HUNG – Translating by H.L
