
Be cautious of common diseases during rainy season

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 28, 2021, 18:41 [GMT+7]

There are numerous weather diseases that may afflict health during the rainy season such as cold and flu. It is common when people self-apply some methods spread orally in the name of "traditional medicine" to treat these diseases. In fact, folk remedies are not always as benign as being thought.

Treatment of colds at Danang Traditional Medicine Hospital. Photo was taken before the latest COVID-19 resurgence.
Treatment of colds at Danang Traditional Medicine Hospital. Photo was taken before the latest COVID-19 resurgence.

In the rainy season, a large number of people are susceptible to many colds, respiratory diseases or rhinitis, sinusitis and facial nerve paralysis. Besides, the musculoskeletal system of young people, as well as the elderly, is easily affected. Cerebrovascular diseases may also occur more often due to increased blood pressure in cold weather.

According to Doctor Nguyen Cong Ly, working at Da Nang Traditional Medicine Hospital, those featuring poor resistance, sick people, young children and the elderly are susceptible to diseases whenever the weather changes. In particular, self-treatment at home with herbs or oral methods must be careful.

Below are Dr Ly's sharing on disease prevention and health care when the weather turns cold.

*Why are people prone to respiratory, allergy, neurological and joint diseases in the rainy season?

From the perspective of modern medicine, the weather changes suddenly in both temperature and humidity in the rainy season, creating favourable conditions for bacteria and viruses to develop and attack the immune system and cause diseases such as flu, allergies, sinusitis, stiff muscles and arthritis.

In terms of traditional medicine, people mainly encounter bad energies, either alone or in combination to cause diseases in the rainy season.

The same climatic energies that are outside are found inside. Each of these climate forces has a specific action on the body, depending upon their characteristics. Hence humans must follow the laws of the Universe to accomplish harmony and total health.

* When the body is tired and uncomfortable due to cold weather, some people sauna themselves, do coin rubbing or boil water with some kind of leaves to drink according to oral tradition medicine method. What health risks can this treatment lead to?

Self-treatment at home with traditional medicine methods is probably common due to their simpleness and availability. However, a bunch of oral methods are hidden under the name of traditional medicine and lead to unpredictable consequences. Apart from that, some traditional medical methods are applied in the wrong way, causing harm to the patient.

Therefore, the patient must first understand his or her pathology and should head to reputable healthcare facilities for examination. It is also important to understand what home remedies you are applying for and their cautions. Patients need to use proper treatment for diseases to get effectiveness

For traditional medicine preparations, patients need to use products having a clear origin, quality assurance, manufactured by reputable hospitals or establishments. Do not buy medicine of unknown origin or are sold widely on the Internet. Moreover, it is necessary to understand how to use and the appropriate dose when using these drugs and preparations. In cases of severe or long-lasting illness, patients should go to a medical facility for receiving examination and treatment advice.

A method of treating diseases of the facial nerve. Photo taken before the latest COVID-19 resurgence.

 A method of treating diseases of the facial nerve. Photo taken before the latest COVID-19 resurgence.
A method of treating diseases of the facial nerve. Photo taken before the latest COVID-19 resurgence.

* Can you advise on some ways to handle common weather diseases at home and what methods are being implemented at the Da Nang Traditional Medicine Hospital?

Common weather diseases are common colds. Patients can use methods such as steam bathing to relieve colds with leaves having essential oils and having the ability to kill respiratory bactericidal such as lemon leaves, grapefruit’s, perilla, marjoram, lemongrass, mint, basil; leaves have antibiotic effects such as onions, garlic; Leaves have antipyretic effects such as bamboo leaves. Onions, perilla, ginger are considered traditional medicinal herbs, so cold porridge with these ingredients is also one of the good methods.

Coin rubbing is also an old and effective method using egg whites and silver coins in the treatment of weather diseases. However, these methods need to be applied properly and appropriately to have an effective treatment effect, as well as avoid possible complications. In case of sustaining persistent or severe illness, patients should go to a medical facility for receiving examination and advice, do not self-medicate with strange drugs or abuse antibiotics.

Currently, Da Nang Traditional Medicine Hospital uses anti-inflammatory powder for colds, electro-acupuncture, thread implantation to treat sinus diseases, electroacupuncture combined with wormwood, acupressure massage, aesthetic acupuncture, cosmetic thread implantation to cure facial nerve paralysis due to cold. In addition, musculoskeletal diseases can be treated with electro-acupuncture or physical therapy. Patients can also use foot bath powder to relax their minds, sleep better, and strengthen resistance.

* Is the combination of Eastern and Western medicine in curing weather diseases very interested and developed?

Traditional medicine and modern medicine complement and support each other, forming an advanced Vietnamese medicine based on the inheritance of national cultural quintessence. In the treatment of weather diseases and seasonal diseases, aside from being prescribed antibiotics, other methods such as sauna can be used. Regarding allergic rhinitis or sinusitis, patients can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, local vasoconstrictors, combined with electro-acupuncture, implantation or using some traditional medicine preparations. In addition, the combination of modern medicine and traditional medicine is also applied in the preparation of traditional medicine preparations.

According to Doctor Nguyen Cong Ly, "Live a balanced life of yin-yang to protect health". The theory of yin-yang is a basic theory of traditional medicine. Living according to yin-yang theory to gain good health.  Therefore, people should live in harmony and balance work and rest not to let the nerves be too stressed. In terms of the daily diet, people should follow the yin-yang theory, eat warm food in winter and eat fresh food in summer, don't eat too much or too little, don't eat too arbitrarily or abstinence and need to supplement with adequate nutrients and exercise with appropriate intensity.

Reporting by THU HOA- Translating by T.VY
