
Ways to be proactive about children's eye health

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 02, 2021, 10:50 [GMT+7]

In the 2021- 2022 school year that started in early September, online learning will be considered a regular solution for education during the ongoing pandemic. Some parents voiced their deep concern over the fact that, after a long time of online learning, their children all suffer vision problems. How to protect children's eye health is what parents are especially concerned about.

Exposure to computers for a long time is easy to reduce vision in children. Photo: K.Q
Exposure to computers for a long time may reduce children's vision. Photo: K.Q

Medical experts advise that the most effective way to take care of eyes is to adjust the duration of eye contact with the computer, because overwork is a dangerous factor that makes eyes tired.

Parents should remind children of blinking, rolling eyes often, massaging eyes every day and using eye drops in consultation with a doctor.

In addition, it is essential that parents need to guide children to study in a sitting position with enough light to reduce eye strain and adjust the light level on the device screen to an average and moderate level with the light in the room. If looking at the screen in a dimly lit room will lead to eye strain and the risk of retinal damage.

Join outdoor activities are also one of the effective ways to protect eyes, especially for those with nearsightedness.

It has been found that children who spend more time outdoors tend to be less likely to be nearsighted. So it's important for children to spend time outdoors and look at objects at a long distance.

Light should be minimised during sleeping because light stimulates vision, the cerebral cortex, making it difficult to sleep. It is important that windows should be opened for ventilation because the eyes also need oxygen to "breathe" during sleeping.

It is also highly recommended to take children for regular eye exams every 6 months at specialized hospitals to detect eye diseases early as well as timely adjust glasses suitable for children with myopia because wearing the wrong glasses is also a cause of eye sore.

Besides, it is suggested supplementing children with some vitamins and micronutrients that are especially important for eyes, including: vitamin A, C, E, lutein and omega fatty acids. These substances are found in such foods as carrots, beets, mangoes, papayas, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, almonds, walnuts, eggs and fish. It is best for children to intake these vitamins in their natural form rather than in supplements.

Reporting by KHANH UYEN – Translating by A. THU
