
Sales of unauthorized COVID-19 drugs of unknown origin detected in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 16, 2021, 17:57 [GMT+7]

Lien Chieu District Police in Da Nang have already temporarily seized many boxes of medicine of unknown origin claimed to cure COVID-19 that were on illegal sale in Lien Chieu District.

As reported, a 49-year-old woman trading in food services on Au Co Street, Lien Chieu District, Da Nang was red-handed caught selling three boxes of ‘COVID-19 drugs’ worth VND900,000 to a buyer. The medicine boxes have medication instructions in foreign languages.

The woman admitted to having received the aforementioned drugs from her nephew in coronavirus-stricken southern metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City for sale.

For the time being, further investigation into the origin of the above-mentioned medicine origin is underway.

The sale and purchase of unapproved drugs is a serious violation of the Law on Pharmacy, posing a threat to people’s health, pandemic prevention and control, as well as increasing the risk of counterfeit and smuggled medicines.

Reporting by TRI DUNG – Translating by A. THU
