
Active support for Da Nang fishermen to safely head out to sea

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 04, 2022, 11:34 [GMT+7]

According to the experience of Vietnamese fishermen, after storms and tropical depressions, near-shore waters often have abundant seafood resources with high economic value. However, making fishing journeys in the rough sea season may brace for many potential dangers and hardships. Fully aware of this fact, the Da Nang border guard force has actively and closely coordinated with other relevant bodies to support fishermen to head out to sea for seafood catches in a safe manner.

The Da Nang Border Guard officers have always promoted regulations on legally fishing activities at sea among local fishermen. Photo: HONG QUANG
The Da Nang Border Guard officers have always promoted regulations on legally fishing activities at sea among local fishermen. Photo: HONG QUANG

In the maritime border area off Hai Chau District, the Da Nang Port border guards has exerted great efforts to promptly respond to any incidents at sea facing fishermen under the motto of ensuring human safety being the utmost priority and minimising the loss of life and property in the event of an accident or natural disaster.

Over the past years, local border guards have enthusiastically joined the successful search and rescue of four ships and one foreign crew member in distress on the Han River, and three fishermen in danger on the Da Nang Bay, along with safely brought a total of 26 injured crew members and passengers back to the shore for further treatment at local medical establishments.

In addition, officers and soldiers of Da Nang Port Border Guard Post have actively guide fishermen to prevent foreign ships from infringing on the Vietnamese sovereignty, handle pirates at sea, well perform natural disaster mitigation tasks and join search and rescue missions at sea as well.

Typically, on December 16, 2021, the Da Nang Port Border Guard coordinated with Hai Chau District Farmers' Association jointly held a training session on crime and illegal fishing prevention for 80 fishermen in Thuan Phuoc Ward.

During the event, the fishermen can learn more about the national government-adopted penalties on illegal fishing activities, as well as legal regulations on offshore fishing activities to curb illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

At this event, the fishermen received 80 free life jackets as gifts which may help fishermen stay safe at sea, avoid natural disasters and incidents during their fishing trips and encourage them to join the protection of their homeland's sea and islands.

In a similar vein, the Son Tra Border Guard Station has regularly coordinated with the Authority of the Tho Quang fishing wharf to encourage local fishermen to join the fight against illegal fishing activities and illegal entry and exit.

Along with that, the two units presented 100 national flags, 100 trash cans and 250 publicity leaflets about legal fishing at sea to fishermen for the sake of their safe trips.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Doan Toan, a managerial official from the Son Tra Border Guard Station said that during the rainy season, his unit’s officers and soldiers have helped fishermen take shelters from unexpected incidents at sea. These functional forces have guided the arrangement of anchoring places for ships and boats to minimise damage to fishermen.

In an effort to have the “yellow card” warning on Viet Nam's seafood industry lifted in the coming time, Da Nang’s competent agencies have encouraged local fishermen to strictly adhere to the mandatory regulations on fishing activities through the distribution of leaflets and instructional materials, and offering publicity sessions on the fight against IUU fishing.

The owners of fishing vessels docked at the Tho Quang Fishing Wharf are required to report to the venue’s management board about their sea journey diary containing the co-ordinates of fishing, the origin of their catches, the specific names of fishing grounds, the number of crew member on board their vessels, and other related issues.

The monitoring device installation is an effective measure against IUU fishing amongst ship owners and fishermen as requested by the European Commission for “yellow card” removal on the Vietnamese fishing industry.

Reporting by HONG QUANG - Translating by A. THU
